Monday, October 23, 2006

Restrained and proud

Usually I am the one in line with a shopping trolley full of fabric. I only got 2 metres at a total of $12...I was looking for some fairly undistintive looking fabrics to pair with ones I have at home - the plan for these is to make Jay some more shirred tops or dresses and coordinating pants and/or hats with some funky applique.


  1. I particularly like the black and white spot. I haven't seen one like that before.

  2. All these restrained people!! I made about 7 trips to collect all my fabric... lol...

  3. Belinda - I hadn't seen it either. It was available in yellow, blue, pink and red (maybe more) I think.

    Lol at picturing you Sharon - luckily my SL has trolleys.


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