Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Overalls for E

So I finally finished some overalls for my nephew, who is 1 mid June. I am happy enough with the applique, but the other night I discovered a different way of appllique-ing (a blanket stitch rather than satin stitch) which may have looked better. Plus, the car looks a little off evan though it was a clip. Oh well.

I used some Michael Miller fabric for the cuffs and even though I was planning to use navy snaps at the legs, I used red all over.

I must get back into selling stuff on ebay. This new computer loads so much faster than my old one. I am aiming to raise enough money to cover registering a business name. With an idea in my head, I have no idea if it will suceed or if it is in God's plan for me but I am going to have a go anyway and come what may.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

lots of sewing projects

I don't know why I am procrastinating all the time. I have a load of sewing to do...cardigan, 2 pants plus my nephew's b'day appliqued overalls. I want to make some new clothes for me too. and why aern't I taking any photos.

sick daughter maybe?

Monday, May 22, 2006

Slippery fabric

Is there any fabric more slippery than silk satin. It slide around more than the lining. Cindy, her Mum, JoAnne and I were cutting up fabric for the bridemaids dresses. It is a pain but that fabric is so soft and yummy.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Out of the loop

I always feel I am out of the loop. I wish that I would be a the start of something, and idea, a conversation, a trend etc because I bever realise, know, see etc.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Ipswich Show

Jalisa and I went into the show (met up with some of Wayne's family). We had a good look the craft/art entries. the quilts are just amazing. I found out that I recieved a 2nd and a third (maybe two but one of my entries had fallen over so you can't tell). I think some of the entries didn't have enough competition so they were just displayed. Cheryl suggested the judges must be "older" - obviously they like traditional, country (yawn) entries. Oh well

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Patternmaking for fashion design

Just recieved this book in the mail yesterday. It is an early Mother's Day present but I get ot read it now. It is an awesome book, so I can't wait to get wroking on the tasks (hopefully I will get the hang of the drafting...I just wish they had the answers somewhere!)