

You can't see that the dots on the fabric have circles (not always centred) in them, so I created a couple of simple appliques for the pants. The hat actually belongs to the other outfit, but it was sunny so and it coordinates nicely.
Jalisa has developed some nasty looking bruises from the fall, the poor mite. And she woke up wet and hungry (read - grumpy) after a 3.5 hour nap, hence the red nose effect from crying
Secret Santa Quiz (for eb buddy)
I have not copied and pasted, so answers may vary.
1. What's your favorite colour?
I like pinks but I also like jewel colours.
2. What's your favorite item to sew?
Skirts, tees and peasant tops
3. What items other people have made would you have loved to have done yourself?
cloth nappies/covers
4. What takes your fancy in the notions world? Rik Rack? Ribbons?
Love Pom Pom (Ball) fringe and mother of pearl buttons.
5. What is your fabric weakness?
Sale fabric and anything by Micheal Miller
6. What's one thing you haven't tried but would like to?
Handbags with separate handles, fabric dying
7. Are there any patterns that you like in particular?
Ottobre, burda and kwiksew
8. For how long have you been sewing?
more than half my life.
9. What size are your kids?
Jalisa is a 1.
10. Do you like quick projects or projects that take a little longer to finish?
Both. Quick are refreshing. Long projects give me satisfaction.
11. What do you hope to do with your sewing in the future?Selling/Sell more/keep as hobby etc/Design....?
See how my biz goes. My future will contain sewing in it. I would love study design or teach a class or write a sewing book.
12. What is your favourite time of year?
Autumn and Spring when it is neither hot nor cold
13. What is your favorite type of fabric?
Silk, rayon knit, cotton.
14. What is you least favourite fabric to sew with?
Polyester silkies
15. Do you have any christmas traditions?
We always see the Christmas lights, always go camping at Christmas but come home Christmas Eve and Christmas day.
16. What frustrates you about sewing?
when you can't buy some other the stuff that they have in the US (or for a resonable price) or when you can't find what you want at a price you want to pay.
17. What 'style' do you dress your children in/ which shop clothes do you try to imitate?
I don't dress Jalisa to a shop - I make whatever I like and that is usually many styles.